TEMPE, Arizona (May 21, 2014) – Cubex®, a provider of pharmacy and supply management technology to the animal healthcare market, announced a new partner alliance with Therian Pty Ltd, an Australian based company that specializes in improving animal facilities through innovative designs and products that enhance and improve workplace efficiency and safety.
The partnership between Cubex and Therian will provide the Australian and New Zealand veterinary communities with automated resources they can turn to for best practices in inventory management. Cubex [www.cubex.com] pharmacy and supply management solutions enable veterinary practices to electronically track inventory at every step of the patient care process. Systems support controlled staff access to pharmacy and supply items, assigning disbursements to patient records, while automatically sending reorders to suppliers. This eliminates overstocking, stock outs and the need to count inventory by hand; reduces data entry errors and missed charges; and helps practices keep just the right amount of inventory on hand.
Therian [www.therian.com.au] specializes in supplying a comprehensive range of veterinary equipment, animal management and housing equipment from leading manufacturers to meet the specialized needs of veterinarians, research facilities, universities, animal shelters, council pounds, boarding kennels and many other pet related businesses.
“We are excited to have a partner like Cubex helping our veterinary community identify opportunities to reduce practice costs, improve productivity, and ultimately increase the profitability of our pharmacy and supply operations,“ said Gavin Biggs, Managing Director of Therian. Massey University in New Zealand was the first to implement the Cubex technology in December of 2013. They have already experienced great procedural efficiencies with their S8 controlled drug management. Newcastle Animal Emergency Centre will be the first Australian site to implement the Cubex technology. “The Newcastle Animal Emergency Centre is proud to be the very first Australian site, and we look forward to the inventory control, invoicing and procedural control that this will provide. Cubex is state of the art in what it is able to do and we are looking forward to utilizing it!” said Dr. David Tabrett, owner of Newcastle Animal Emergency Centre.
The Automation Process. Typically, practices manage supplies through time consuming manual processes. While the cabinets perform the mechanical dispensing function, the cloud based myQLink database is a robust, Web-hosted solution that works together with Cubex cabinets to automate these processes. It provides tracking and reporting metrics required to ensure the availability of critical inventory. myQLink records each Cubex transaction. Once certain levels are reached, it sends electronic orders to designated suppliers utilizing predetermined criteria. The ability to monitor and analyze real-time data enables practices to identify those opportunities to improve efficiencies and profitability.
“Managing pharmacy and supply inventory is a constant challenge that can affect all areas of the veterinary practice,” said Anton Visser, founder and CEO of Cubex. “We are honored to partner with Therian to introduce our automated solutions to the Australian and New Zealand pet care markets and show how simple automated technology enhancements can effectively address the growing inventory management challenges faced within the pet care industry.”
About Cubex
Cubex is a global provider of health care products and services that help health care practices measurably reduce the total cost of ownership associated with pharmacy and supplies. The company develops market-leading technologies including SupplyBank automated dispensing systems, MedBank narcotic management stations, QBud wireless access devices, and the myQLink web-hosted software and business intelligence applications. More information may be found at cubex.com.
About Therian
Therian is a Veterinary Facility Designer who specializes in the animal care industry in the Pacific Region. Our in house design team work with you to define your requirements from the initial concept designs, development applications, detailed design and contract administration through to the supply and installation of innovative products that ensure optimum goals are achieved for your business. To work with people who understand your business and clients go to therian.com.au.
For More information on the Cubex Solution from Therian for Australia and New Zealand clients, go to cubexsystem.com.au.